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Last Orders at the Bar. Manage Bar Sales & Stock Effectively in Elite

A well-managed bar is a fantastic asset to any club or venue, and with Elite this could not be easier. The system looks at what information has been receipted in and is able to combine this with the sales and cost of sales data to generate reports which are user-friendly and easy to understand.
The best way to ensure you are consistently making the desired returns, whilst balancing the ongoing challenges of wastage, stock holding and seasonal variances, is to make sure that the information entered into the Elite system is accurate, as without this the reporting will be inaccurate and it will be difficult to see where areas of the department may need to be improved.
It is also important to be able to track and monitor revenues. In Elite, reports can be generated to give you an accurate snapshot of the business with live information from the system.
Historic sales reports can also be printed and compared year on year, allowing you to consider other aspects which might affect sales e.g. weather, bank holidays.
Here are a few tips to help manage stock effectively:

  • Check purchases, have all invoices been allocated to the correct month and account code?
  • Check wastage
  • Check deliveries
  • Check stock is always secured
  • Check stock cost/sales item pricing. Take into consideration any variances/increases in the cost of stock
  • Ensure all beverage stock is being receipted into stock correctly
  • Calculate what the GP is of your beverage items
  • Find out the cost of sales for a given trading period (month)
  • Ensure beverage stock checks are being completed correctly and on a regular basis

A stock check should be carried out on a regular basis to confirm that the amount of stock you have reflects the theoretical amount on the system.
How can Elite help?
For our existing users within F&B Stock Routines we have some very useful reports in place.
Stock List: The List of Stock Items report is a breakdown of the current items in stock, including their unit cost and current value.
Menu Item List: This report defines all sales items and their Description, Group, Cost Price, Retail Value, GP%.
Stock Links to Menu Items: This is a list of stock items and the sales items linked to them, this also details the units, menu code and cost.
Discrepancy Report: This report will show the discrepancy amount between the amount the Elite system has recorded in stock and the amount you have counted in your current stock check.
Historic Period End Report: This lists all stock items, levels and values for a selected date period.
Best Sellers: The Best Seller Report lists the sales figures for all the previous twelve months.
New to ESP and interested to learn more about what our Elite Food & Beverage Module offers?
Just contact us at or 020 8251 5100

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